The Old Testament Books — in Fifteen Couplets
Creation of all, and Jews starting: That’s Genesis.
In Exodus, Moses is Pharaoh’s arch nemesis.
Leviticus is “legal”; for Numbers, think “census.”
Deuteronomy doubles what we have for lenses.
The twelve books that follow are all Jewish hist’ry.
They show that God’s frequent dismay is no myst’ry.
The Jews join Joshua’s jaunty Jordan crossing,
But Judges’ Jews reject Jehovah’s just bossing.
Two Samuels, two Kings, and two Chronicles, too,
Ezra, Nehemiah — that’s it but for two:
Ruth bats number three, so she’s just like the Babe.
And Esther comes last: She’s a queen down from Abe.
Job’s trials: the oldest of books Wisdom’s with.
Psalms’ prayers have music, and Proverbs has pith.
Next Ecclesiastes and then Song of Songs:
World weary and then how eros belongs.
Isaiah, Jeremiah: They don’t really rhyme!
Ezekiel, Daniel: Nor they — what a crime!
Those prophets, though major, cause poets frustrations.
No shock, then, between them we find Lamentations.
Twelve prophets, though minor, have much they can teach.
But my poem’s limit is one word for each.
Hosea/“whore,” Joel/“Judah” — consonant verse!
Amos is “Israel,” Obadiah is “terse.”
“Whale”/Jonah, Micah/“Bethlehem” — I’ll ramble on!
Nahum/“Assyria,” Habakkuk/“Babylon.”
“Josiah”’s the word for Zephaniah, I say.
Haggai and Zechariah share “temple,” okay?
You’re hoping I’ll stop soon and asking, “But shall he?”
If Malachi still gets the last word: “Finale.”
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