A Quick Point on Biblical Inerrancy

My sense is that some people like to think that, if they can convince themselves of one inconsistency or inaccuracy in the Bible, then they can reject the Bible (and Christianity) in toto.  Maybe this tendency is encouraged by the belief of many Christians in Biblical inerrancy; I don’t know.  But the point is this:  … [Read more…]

I’ll Be Watching You

In the last sermon of 2024 at our church, the pastor made what I thought was a good point about the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20: 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them … [Read more…]

David Mamet on Jonah

Playwright David Mamet (here) recently had an interesting observation on the Book of Jonah.  His synagogue’s congregation was meditating on the book during the recent Yom Kippur; his insight was triggered by remembering Rush Limbaugh’s observation once that, when you’re arguing with someone intransigent, it isn’t necessarily futile, because some third party might be listening: … [Read more…]

The Answer Jesus Gives to the “Rich Young Ruler”

Jesus’ famous dialogue in the synoptic Gospels with the “rich young ruler” is intriguing and was the subject of a sermon and then small-group discussion at our church recently.  Here’s the version in Mark 10: 17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good … [Read more…]

Some Thoughts on John 21

There is an almost surreal quality to the last chapter of John, the last chapter of the Gospels. Jesus has already be resurrected and appeared to the disciples, and Peter decides to go back to his fishing.  And other disciples join him, and they fish all night, unsuccessfully.  Jesus then appears on the shore, cooking … [Read more…]

Luke Bio

A couple of weeks ago (on October  18) a friend of mine sent around this short biography of St. Luke, which I generally enjoyed and thought I would share here.  My friend cautions that he drew this from a number of sites and that he may have been guilty of some plagiarism in doing so, … [Read more…]

A Couple of Short Items To Start the Month

I’ve discussed here on this blogsite my suggestion that the Lord’s Prayer is structured as a chiasm, including an argument that the center of the Prayer (promising that we will forgive others) is especially important, as is characteristic of chiasms.  So I wanted to note that I recently discovered that it is commonly noted that … [Read more…]

A Few Notes on Our “Acts” Sermon Series

Our church’s summer sermon series was on the first eight chapters of Acts, so I thought I’d share a few notes on it. Of course we know that, in Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira became famous — or, rather, infamous — for their dishonesty in contributing the proceeds from a land sale to the early … [Read more…]

Paul’s Library at Troas

The last letter that the apostle Paul wrote was likely Second Timothy, and on the last page of the current issue of Touchstone magazine there is a thoughtful column about it (Patrick Henry Reardon, “As It Is Written …:  The Library Left Behind,” Touchstone, July/August 2024, at 56; here’s the link).  The column focuses, in … [Read more…]