Intelligent Assist from Artificial Intelligence

Just FYI and FWIW:  I typed in “fine-tuning god arguments summary” into my Chrome search engine, and here’s what its AI says:

AI Overview

The “fine-tuning argument” for the existence of God claims that the universe’s physical constants and initial conditions are so precisely balanced to allow for life that it indicates a deliberate design, implying the existence of a creator (God), as the odds of such a life-permitting universe occurring by chance are astronomically smallessentially, the universe is “fine-tuned” for life, making it highly unlikely to have arisen without a designer. 

Key points about the fine-tuning argument:
  • Fine-tuning examples:

    The strength of gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force are all cited as examples of physical constants that need to be within a very narrow range for life to exist. 

  • The “Goldilocks zone”:

    This analogy compares the ideal conditions for life to the “just right” temperature of the porridge in the Goldilocks story. 

  • Criticisms:
    • The multiverse hypothesis: Some scientists argue that if there are an infinite number of universes with different physical laws, then it is not surprising that we happen to be in one that allows for life. 
    • Anthropic principle: This principle states that we observe the universe to be life-permitting because if it were not, we wouldn’t be here to observe it. 
Generative AI is experimental.
Look at those “Criticisms” in particular.  Not much there there — certainly not as strong as the “key points” the criticisms are presumably answering, and clearly enough to justify application of Pascal’s Wager.
My sense is that AI is not the product of Bible-thumping Creationists, yet what it suggests here about the fine-tuning argument is pretty favorable, is it not?