Challenge for the Month

So, on this first day of September, consider this challenge, gentle reader:  As you sit there, pick up any object near to hand, and see if it does not contain in it something to strike wonder in you. A wooden pencil?  Consider then a tree.  Consider also how complicated the manufacture of a pencil is. … [Read more…]

Thoughts on the Opening and Closing of the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father, who art in Heaven:  Thy name be hallowed, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,” and ends, “For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.” How do Thy name/hallowed, Thy kingdom/come, and Thy will/be done fit together?  Next, how do kingdom, power, and glory … [Read more…]

Beach Thoughts

I read once — maybe in a biography of T.E. Lawrence — that it’s no accident that the three great monotheistic religions were born in or near deserts, since that landscape’s sky-filled starkness underscores human limitations and draws one’s thoughts to the eternal, or something like that.  A beach does that even more, since the … [Read more…]

Some Thoughts on Epistle Reliability

The Gospels read like unembellished eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life (per C.S. Lewis and Richard Bauckham, among others), and I’ve devoted other posts to the historicity of, and Luke’s reason for writing, Acts (see here and here).  But what about the various New Testament epistles? [Footnote:  The remaining New Testament book, Revelation, is also an … [Read more…]

How Holy Are We Supposed To Be?

I will say at the outset that, in answering this question, I’m defining “holy” not as we colloquially do now as basically “without sin” but in its earlier sense of “set apart.”  That is, the question I’m asking is, To what extent does God want us to separate ourselves from the world?  And by that … [Read more…]


Here’s Macbeth’s famous “tomorrow” soliloquy (5.5.19-28): Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets … [Read more…]

Love: A Couple of June Thoughts

Love is a big deal to Christians, of course, and today starts a big month for love, with all those weddings and June-moon-tune-swoon-spoon rhyming.  So here’s a couple of thoughts to begin the next thirty days: Love makes you feel good, makes you do good things, and is good not only for you but for … [Read more…]

Text for a Children’s Bible Intro

Below is the text for a possible children’s book that would introduce them to the Bible.  Of course, there would be illustrations, too, but I can’t draw, or at least not very well.  Or a parent or grandparent could just read this text to his or her child or grandchild. WHAT IS THE BIBLE? What … [Read more…]