Lessons from Revelation

That is, lessons from the book of Revelation.  The book is divided into two parts:  The first and shorter is the text of letters that John sends to seven churches in Asia Minor, and the second and longer is John’s apocalyptic vision of the end times. The church letters are report cards, telling each church … [Read more…]

Lessons and a Few Notes from Hebrews

While the authorship of some other books in the New Testament is sometimes disputed, the book of Hebrews is unique in that there is today apparently no traditionalist view on who wrote it, and as best I can tell no majority view either.  The original King James Version, and I believe older Catholic Bibles, labeled … [Read more…]

Lessons and Notes from Romans

Romans and Hebrews are the two most theological epistles.  One reason this is not surprising is that Romans is the only letter of Paul’s that is not tied in with running a church and/or dealing with particular congregants.  What follows is definitely not an in-depth discussion of Paul’s theology, but an outline with discussion that … [Read more…]

Lessons and Notes from I Corinthians

This is a long letter.  Romans is a bit longer, but this comes in a close second, substantially ahead of the all Paul’s other letters, and longer than any of the other epistles, including Hebrews.  And it covers a lot of territory and a variety of topics.  The first six chapters address directly the dysfunctions … [Read more…]

Lessons from II Corinthians

This is a very personal letter, and one that is tied closely to specific problems and issues with the church in Corinth.  That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot here of broader applicability, but some parts have more of that than others.  In that regard, I’ll note that my NIV study Bible provides a … [Read more…]

Lessons from I and II Timothy

I Timothy: Chapter 1:  Christ is “our hope.” Don’t worry about “endless genealogies.”  The goal of instruction is “love,” “good conscience,” and a “sincere faith.”  Paul condemns, inter alia, homosexuals.  He acknowledges his own past sinfulness. Chapter 2:  This chapter must give the Left fits.  In verses 2:1-2, Paul says that we should pray for … [Read more…]

Lessons from Galatians

One preliminary note:  If you’re making a list of Christian behavior do’s and don’ts, chapter 5 is a good place to start. Chapter 1:  Paul reprimands the Galatians for deserting Christ for a false gospel, and then gives a brief summary of how he (Paul) came to be apostle to the Gentiles (interesting, and includes … [Read more…]

Lessons from Colossians

Overview:  This is another letter of Paul’s letters written from prison (4:18).  Chapter 1 discusses who Jesus was, theologically (note the reference in 1:10 to “bearing fruit in every good work”).  Chapter 2 seems to be aimed at the (Gnostic) heresy, and says that Jesus is the answer, not some other way or philosophy, and … [Read more…]

Lessons from Philippians

Chapter 1:  I’ll note at the outset that the letter is being written during Paul’s (Roman) imprisonment (1:13).  Paul welcomes even preaching from bad motives, so long as Christ is proclaimed (1:18).  And suffering to advance Christ is a good thing (1:22-24, 29). Chapter 2:  Be unselfish and humble, as Christ was (2:1-8).  The universality … [Read more…]

Lessons from I and II Thessalonians

I Thessalonians: God examines our hearts. Don’t seek glory from men (implied). Abstain from sexual immorality; love (and comfort) one another; lead a quiet life, attend to your own business, and work with your hands, so that outsiders will respect you and you won’t be in need. The dead shall rise when the Lord returns. … [Read more…]