Is “Cultivating Faith” Dishonest?

In my “600 words” essay, I said that Pascal’s wager should lead us to “cultivate one’s faith.”  Here are some preliminary thoughts on that, and in particular on whether doing so is somehow dishonest. There are different models that can be followed in truth-seeking, and more than one can be legitimate.  For starters, it is … [Read more…]

Pascal’s Wager and the Old Folks

My “600 words” all apply to them, but Pascal’s wager is especially favorable to the old. Consider:  (1) As a preliminary matter, they have less excuse to avoid making their choice. (2) The “next life” considerations are stronger for them, since the next life is closer. (3) The “this life” considerations — and this is … [Read more…]

Books Overview

Over the years, I’ve taken notes on the books I’ve read on Christianity-related topics.  This section of the blogsite will include those notes. The books naturally reflect my own interests and, since in any event I can’t read everything in this area, the list is inevitably to some degree idiosyncratic.  And there are lots of … [Read more…]