Text for a Children’s Bible Intro

Below is the text for a possible children’s book that would introduce them to the Bible.  Of course, there would be illustrations, too, but I can’t draw, or at least not very well.  Or a parent or grandparent could just read this text to his or her child or grandchild. WHAT IS THE BIBLE? What … [Read more…]

Robert E. Coleman, “The Master Plan of Evangelism” (2d ed., abridged)

Our church recently distributed this book to its “small group” leaders, and a good friend who’d already read it said this was the best book on evangelism he ever read (he noted in particular its emphasis on the importance of replication). The whole book is online here: [link:  https://campusministryunited.com/Documents/MasterPlanOfEvangelism.pdf]. The title contains the theme:  “Master … [Read more…]

Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, “An Introduction to the Old Testament” and D.A. Carson & Douglas J. Moo, “An Introduction to the New Testament”

The Old Testament volume here was highly recommended by a very good friend who knows his Bible, and I then discovered that there was a New Testament volume following the same approach, so I checked them both out on interlibrary loan.  Good move on my part!  I think these would be excellent reference books for … [Read more…]

G.K. Chesterton, “Tremendous Trifles”

I checked out this book after reading a convincing recommendation of it by a young online pundit — and I’m glad I did.  The whole book is online here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8092/8092-h/8092-h.htm#link2H_4_0012 G.K. Chesterton is, of course, an important Christian writer and apologist, his writings influencing, among others, C.S. Lewis.  Now, this particular book is simply a … [Read more…]

Two “Old” Books: “Resurrection” by Leo Tolstoy and “The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America” by Richard John Neuhaus

C.S. Lewis wrote, “It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.”  And if you’re looking for an old book, I just finished reading two that I’m happy to recommend.  I hasten to add that neither of them would … [Read more…]

R.C. Sproul, “The Holiness of God”

R.C. Sproul is an important American Reformed theologian, and John Piper calls this book a “classic.”  One fan of Dr. Sproul told me that a great value of this book is that the holiness of God reminds us how unholy we are.  Along those lines, I noted, “Fear, discomfort, other-ness:  That and not simple adoration … [Read more…]