
The Old Testament and New Testament are each multigenre.  Both have much historical narrative; both have some apocalyptic writing.  Of course, the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, and there are songs, poetry, and prayers in each.  The New Testament lacks a listing of laws per se (no surprise there!).  The New Testament epistles most … [Read more…]

Why Pray?

God already knows what we’re thinking, right, so what’s the point? A short answer is that Jesus taught us how to pray and, what’s more, prayed Himself.  ‘Nuff said. But it makes sense, too.  It is a way re-center our lives around God, a way to ensure we are not ignoring or forgetting Him.  And … [Read more…]

Protestant/Catholic and Truth-Seeking

Apologies beforehand, since I’m no expert on Protestant doctrine and know even less of Catholicism.  But the issue I’m addressing is this:  Is a system of greater individual choice in determining right theology to be preferred over one with more institutional authority? One can answer this question (1) just in terms of which approach is … [Read more…]